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Top 5 Tips To Enhance Communication In Your Relationships

Are there questions you wanted to ask your partner? Are there been situations when you wanted to ask deep questions about your boyfriend or girlfriend but hesitated because of the fear of offending him or her? 

Often we want to share things about ourselves, our experiences and our thoughts with someone we wanted to build a long relationship with but fear or hesitation held us back. For certain, your partner also feels the same. The need to communicate is deep-seated among humans. It is our way of self-expression. Even if you cannot verbally communicate, there are other ways of doing so. The thing about communication is that you have to be sincere because other people can tell whether you are being sincere or not.

Communication builds friendship strengthens relationships and bridges misunderstandings. Good communication skill is a must, especially if you are in a business where you always interact with people. It is crucial in relationships.

Take a look at the top five tips to enhance communication in your relationships.

1. Make communication a priority. Take time to discuss things with your partner. You may think that you will always have time for each other, but when you are busy and work on different schedules, communication including telling funny jokes takes a back seat in the relationship. It affects the relationship. 

In work setting, make it a point to start conversations with your workmates. It does not have to be lengthy but make an effort to be a good co-worker, someone who is kind and trustworthy.

2. Sit and listen actively. Give your full attention to the other speaker Sitting and listening creates the impression that you are giving importance to whatever he or she is saying. 

Of course, there are plenty of times when you just cannot sit down and focus because you might be busy doing something, but learn to appreciate what your partner is saying. If you feel that what he or she is about to say is something important, take some time off from work to listen.

Do not just listen to what he is saying, listen to words he is also not stating. Look at his posture while communicating. Ask questions when you do not understand. 

3. Avoid outtalking. Listen to what the other person is sharing, restate his statements to show you understand and ask questions, but do not outtalk. 

When you feel like the other person is being rude, point out that you waited for your turn while you listen to him so he should show your the same courtesy in greeting happy birthday cousin

4. Be honest and open minded. At times, the discussion might turn out lengthy and turn into topics that you would rather discuss on another day. When this happens, be honest. Respectfully state how you feel but also say that perhaps it could be something that may be discussed for another day. When that time comes, be open minded and listen carefully. 

5. Learn to compromise. Remember, just as communication is give and take, you do not have to win all arguments and discussions. Let the other party have some points, too. When the discussion is getting too heated, and the emotions are running high, back off and learn to compromise. If you cannot compromise, at least defer making decisions until you have both cooled off and can think more rationally.

Communication involves more than just talking. It includes actions. Follow these steps, and you will see an improvement in your relationships.


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